The Court Cards
Transform and fortify your relationship with The Court Cards, build your confidence in working with them, and discover the wise medicine that they hold for you.
$77 USD
Payment plan + sponsorship opportunities available below
Lifetime access + self-paced online course
Created by Lindsay Mack, The Court Cards is a self paced, pre-recorded audio course that aims to provide a unique and inclusive framework to rewild your relationship with the Court Cards, assisting you in expanding and solidifying your own wise knowing around what they mean to you.
As a Tarot teacher, I can confidently say that the place I see the vast majority of my students get stuck is around their relationship with the Court Cards – and it’s no wonder why this is the case.
The Court Cards are historically (and visually) very rooted in traditional gender roles, heteronormativity, and rigid interpretations around them being connected to, or representative of other people in our lives or our clients’ lives.
In Soul Tarot, we look to the Court Cards as gateways to the deepest parts of ourselves and our soul’s wisdom, rather than representations of other people. We see each of these sixteen cards as bringers of medicine, and Anchors for some of the most advanced, complex, and important soul work we will do as human beings in our lifetime. When honored, embraced, and opened to, the Court Cards can become some of the most steady and sturdy of wise allies in the Tarot.
I believe that each of the sixteen Court Cards represents a homecoming, a return to self, and will be interpreted and understood in a different way by each of us. Our work is to open to that stream of wisdom, and allow a deeper bond to form with these cards.
In The Court Cards, we will begin with an undoing and a rewilding process, gently opening to a new way of embracing and working with these cards. From there, we will dive into a potent journey into each of the Court Cards, looking at them through a spiralic, nature-based, inclusive, “deckless” lens, beginning to see how each of them swirl in and around us – without even reaching for our physical deck.
This course is an offering that is devoted to honoring, centering, and nurturing your unique take on them, allowing you to release what has not served you about the more traditional interpretations of these cards. Participants will move away from this offering with a renewed confidence in their own abilities as readers (for themselves and others), a sense of deeper connectedness with the Court Cards, and a framework for sensing into their own wise knowing around what these cards mean to them.
“I just wanted to sincerely express my deepest thanks for you: your unique expression, your careful + thoughtful words, your potent invitations, your chosen languaging, and your accessible material.
I have yet to come across a more inclusive and intentional teacher. I wish I could give you a giant hug. My life has transformed through your teaching. So profoundly appreciative of your time, effort, spirit, and experience.”
— Nicole
What is Soul Tarot?
Developed by intuitive Tarot teacher, Lindsay Mack, Soul Tarot is a radical reinterpretation of the Tarot as a non-predictive helping tool, one that can be utilized to assist us in differentiating between the noise of our mind from the whisper of our soul.
This system of learning Tarot aims not to be “the way” of learning Tarot, but a way — one that centers and empowers the student to be a critical thinker, and invites them to use the material as a springboard to come to their own embodied understanding of the cards.
Soul Tarot centers the Tarot and our practices with it in the present moment (rather than the past or the future), and views each card as medicine for us — not to us. It invites us to investigate and release our judgements and projections about what we’ve been taught about the Tarot, emphasizing ethics, integrity, compassion, common sense, and inclusion. It is Tarot for a new consciousness, Tarot for anything that might arise in our lives and within our being.

Course Syllabus
Rewilding the Court Cards
What medicine do the Court Cards hold for us? How can we foster our own vibrant, unique relationships with these energies? In order to discover the answers to these questions, we must undo and rewild our relationship with them. In this introductory module, we will gently unpack and acknowledge the limitations of the more traditional interpretations of these cards, and open to a new way of working with them.
The Bones of the Court Cards
Pages — Knights — Queens — Kings
In the second module of The Court Cards, we will dive into the Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings of the Court Cards, exploring them through the framework of Soul Tarot. This lesson will serve to ground us into each of these archetypes, and how they ultimately work to support us on our journey. We will also cover how to actually read with and interpret the Court Cards when they show up in a reading.
The Elemental Flow of Court Cards
Wands — Cups — Swords — Pentacles
In the third and final module of The Court Cards, we look at the 16 Court Cards through the lens of their elemental ruling. What gifts do the Wands Court Cards offer us? What is the evolutionary journey of the Swords Court Cards? We will dive into these questions (and more) to sense into the Courts from this framework.
This Course Includes
Pre-recorded, in-depth audio lessons with full transcriptions
A beautiful, printable workbook, packed with supportive Tarot spreads, prompts, and exercises
A Q&A Database with a bevy of Lindsay’s answers to students’ questions about the Court Cards and how to build confidence and trust in working with them
“Through all of this, and somewhat to my surprise, you have slowly but surely brought me back to my own tarot practice—which had lain fallow for many years, despite having had two beautiful decks since I was a little girl. My apprehension and confusion around the Tarot has slowly evaporated as I’ve listened to you read and talk about the cards. Now I cherish my relationship with my practice and it feels very supportive.”
— Lucy
Lindsay Mack
Hailed by The Wayward as, “one of the most important new voices in the world of modern spirituality and wellness,” Lindsay (she/they) is an intuitive artist, Tarot teacher, mother, cat mom, writer, podcast host, and the founder of Tarot for the Wild Soul. As a joyful survivor of childhood abuse, C-PTSD, and chronic pain/illness, Lindsay is passionately dedicated to honoring and helping to bring space, light, and healing to those who are experiencing mental, emotional, or physical suffering. Through her work with Soul Tarot School, Lindsay has trained over 10,000 people, many of whom have gone on to teach and read professionally.

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ENROLL in The Court Cards
Take the leap into this beautiful offering, which includes hours of robust pre-recorded audio lessons, a gorgeous workbook, access to The Court Cards Q&A Database, and so much more. You will have lifetime access to all of the content!
Please see our course policies at the bottom of the page before enrolling.
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The Court Cards 2023
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The Court Cards 2023 Payment Plan
Sign up for a SPONSORED SPOT to the Course
Sponsorship is a special reparational community opportunity for our at need Black, Indigenous, students of color, members of the LGBTQIAP2-S community, folx living with disabilities, undocumented folx, and anyone who has experienced or been impacted by systemic inequity or oppression. It is an invitation for folx who identify as members of one or more of these communities and/or identities to move to the front of the line and deeply receive in the event they do not have the resources to access this material.
SPONSOR a Wild Soul
Want to sponsor some or all of the tuition for an at need Empress student? Please consider making a donation to our sponsorship fund to support course access for our community members who are on the sponsorship waitlist. 100% of donations received go into our tuition sponsorship fund.
Before purchasing, please see our policies below. Click through to our full terms and policies for more information.
No Refunds: Due to the digital nature of this content, there are no refunds after purchase. Please deeply consider your needs before enrolling in the workshop.
Payment Plans: Payment plans may not be canceled once they have been initiated.
Purchasing a Bundle: No exchanges or alterations of items within a bundle will be permitted. No pro-rated discounts will be offered for previous purchases. Bundles must be purchased through the specific links during the time of the bundle promotion. Students cannot create their own bundles. Students cannot purchase multiple courses separately to create a bundle. It is not possible to split the content within bundles between multiple students.
Course Shared Agreements: Please read our Course Shared Agreements, community guidelines which allow us to build a community of shared intention, warmth, and courageous learning.
For Full Terms + Policies, please read: Terms of Use · Privacy Policy
Questions: Please reach out to with any questions prior to purchasing.
To Gift This Course
The easiest way to gift this course is to sign up with the recipient’s name and email and complete the purchase using your payment information. If you’d like to surprise them on a certain day, simply wait to sign up on that day.
If your recipient has an existing Kajabi account, or if you have any questions about this process, please email us at