Student Testimonials

Read what past and current students have to say about Lindsay’s approach and Tarot for the Wild Soul® offerings.


"Deep life lessons came through for me. It was beautifully unexpected. I thought I'd learn symbols and meanings of cards. Instead, I now have a new way of looking at the world."

— Chantelle

Tarot for the Wild Soul set me on a journey that will last a lifetime. It brought me to the Tarot as a tool for self-discovery and soulful learning, and I will always be grateful for the experience. Lindsay is a tremendous teacher and guide; Wild Soul Tarot is her gift to the world."

— Kami Spangenberg

"I was blown away with how much sense Lindsay's approach makes for reading Tarot. It's intimately personal on one hand, while also being intensely universal."

— Kate


“I am so grateful to and for Lindsay and her work! Her offerings and this course have helped me through what feels like the longest dark night of the soul ever. I had no expectations, but so many deep hopes. It's unfair to pin so much on one class, but I got everything I had prayed for and more. I thought I'd never remember card meanings without books and was just hoping to get better. To say the course changed my practice and my life is putting it mildly! I have connected with the cards in a way I only dreamed, and have strength and a practice I didn't think was possible for me. THANK YOU!

It went beyond card meanings and opened me up to intuition, feeling the cards, developing a relationship where I can feel communication with them. And more than that, I've been able to find an anchor and strength through brain chemistry. Whatever your heart is looking for in this course, you will find it and more. Aside from teaching you Tarot, it will open you up to the cards and yourself.”

Elisa Wojdan
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and our mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution is an essential political act. As individuals, we need to be responsible citizens of Earth. We need to become better than we were taught to be - by our parents, teachers, media, culture...and we need to do it now. I use the tarot to create an inclusive healing space for people to find their own truth about who they want to be, and what they want to do with their time on this planet.

Tarot for the Wild Soul is hands down the most thorough, thoughtful, and comprehensive tarot course that I know to exist. The first time I took it, I was so moved and inspired by Lindsay's unique and authentic wisdom, her authenticity, and her experience using tarot to do deep transformative work. One of the greatest gifts I received from the course was seeing Lindsay free and confident in her channel, and modeling that. I found TFTWS to be incredibly safe. Lindsay is open about being a trauma survivor and dedicated to creating a safe and trauma informed container. Her approach is gentle yet powerful.

The vast amount of content on so many aspects of being a reader in addition to Lindsay's interpretation of the cards enhanced my existing practice. Observing her style helped me get more solid in my own, and participating in the course helped me clarify the work I really want to be doing with tarot. Lindsay offers a wealth of wisdom in Tarot for the Wild Soul and the artistry in the content is pure magic. It is incredibly beautiful and inspiring material.”

Erin Aquarian, Full Time Witch
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017 + 2018


Tarot for the Wild Soul has been a pivotal experience of my lifetime. I am forever grateful to Lindsay Mack, Soul Tarot team, and the wonderful people I’ve experienced this with. This course has built a beautifully inclusive foundation and confidence to utilize my intuitive gift in an impactful and meaningful way. Tarot for the Wild Soul has helped to peel back the layers of the past to reveal the more of my gifts and how Tarot has always been such a natural practice.

I have struggled with both Imposter Syndrome and childhood conditioning that reading and using Tarot as a modality was evil. This course has brought an air of confidence and ease to my practice. Whether I am reading for myself, my friends, my clients or even my dog, I know I have access to my own inner wisdom. My mind is continuously blown by how spot on my readings are when I tune in to “Radio Station #2.” Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To anyone who is interested in participating in Tarot for the Wild Soul, let go of your excuses and dive the fuck in! It’s so much more than a Tarot course. It’s an embodiment of the practice. You will be so glad you did.”

Kimber Howe
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


“If you are wanting clarity on tarot theory along with the freedom to choose what serves you and cut through the B.S. that seems to always inhabit the spiritual community, this course will change your practice and your life.”

Cheyenne Jorgenson
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


“My experience of Tarot for the Wild Soul was completely life-changing. Lindsay offered so much medicine and so many beautiful and potent teachings that I found myself enveloped in the most transformative learning experience of my life. Her explorations of each card are so profound, and they work together like a series of gentle waves, inviting the learner deeper and deeper into the heart of their own knowing.

The course functioned as a deeply nourishing soil and anchor for my growth, as well as a grounding ally during moments of contraction and confusion.

I trust my hands now when I pull cards, and I surrender to the ones that arrive, as I now understand the medicine of each card much more deeply. I no longer fear receiving any of the cards in the deck, and I have so much appreciation for the wisdom of my inner self and the true genius of the mirror that the Tarot is able to hold for us. I am much more equipped to interpret the invitations of the cards from a grounded and nourishing perspective, and I am much better at navigating and holding space for clients' (and my own!) reactions to cards.

This course is an incredible opportunity to know yourself and your own genius more intimately. Lindsay's teachings are deeply, deeply supportive and trauma-sensitive, and they have the capacity to catalyze massive growth and healing. Even if you never plan to read for others, or don't even own a deck, but are curious, you will find so much nourishment in this course. The wisdom Lindsay offers goes far beyond typical card meanings. She is offering a way to walk and live in this world from our souls and our hearts. It is a profound invitation!”

Allison Wilner
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018


“My experience with was beyond what I expected. The value far outweighed the cost, offered me massive amounts of knowledge and deepened my connection to my inner wisdom. I made lasting relationships with the community and loved the platform used for connection. The fact that it was self paced made it very easy for me to flow through the journey at my own speed.

Whether you are new to tarot or a practiced reader, you will uncover so much wisdom and knowledge from this course. Lindsay and her team create a magical container based on inclusivity, acceptance, compassion and deep wisdom. The structure and attention to detail is incredible and yet it still feels organic and soulful. I’ve never done a program I felt exceeded in value as much as this one did. I continue to reference my materials and connect in the community and am deeply grateful for this experience.”

Hallie Pileiro, Be Luminous
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


Tarot for the Wild Soul is an incredible offering that has exponentially increased my learning and connection with the Tarot each time I have participated. Lindsay uses a trauma informed and inclusive lens in her teaching. The videos, graphics, workbook and recordings are all impeccably produced and enhance the experience of working through the material. Using the online platform is simple and there is the opportunity to engage and interact with other folks who are taking the course if desired. Lindsay's ability as a teacher to translate Tarot theory into meaningful medicine is truly a gift!

Taking Lindsay's course has provided a sturdy structure for my knowledge and understanding of Tarot to be organized and built around. I am able to read and engage with my deck without needing to consult the guidebook and feel confident in my ability to intuitively sense what the cards have to offer in any given reading.”

Maureen Whitman
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017–2019


I took the course when I first started teaching tarot. It was really helpful to learn this kind, nurturing approach to the practice that allows for such a wide range of experiences. It helped for me to internalize what I learned and to use the tools first for myself so that I could then share what I got out of it with my students. This course definitely helped inform my approach to teaching and I still quote Lindsay in my classes today. I feel proud to have completed Tarot for the Wild Soul and to be part of a community that is changing what tarot can be.

Amber Reeves, Amber Astronauta
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


Tarot for the Wild Soul was an exceptional experience. Every course gives you the choice to be as socially involved as you'd like and to work and learn on your own time. Lindsay and her team go out of their way to facilitate a healthy, safe, inclusive, beautiful environment. Finding Lindsay and her offerings has been the bridge to helping me find myself. Truly inspiring and spirit awakening.”

Crystal Thomas
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018 + 2019


“I came to understand the Tarot in a completely new way, from a heart-centered, inclusive place free of fear and any judgements. Each card an invitation for soul-growth and Love. The content was thorough, detailed, beautiful, and practically accessible via the Teachable App.”

Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018


“My experience with Tarot for the Wild Soul was life changing and utterly transformative. I knew I was searching for something but had no idea this was the medicine I had been longing for my whole life. Learning to live from a soul centered perspective changed the way I looked at every day living, as well as how I interacted with the Tarot. Learning how to use the tarot as a tool for healing my childhood trauma and living in the center of my life, has shifted my perspective and has allowed me to grow in ways I never thought were possible. Sometimes the medicine is bitter, and sometimes it's sweet....all of it is healing me.

I had always thought of the tarot as "fortune telling"... And it was always felt extremely confounding to me. Looking at it through the lens that Lindsay teaches, has invited me into an allyship with it that shifts and moves and stays as fluid as my life. Being given the courage and the agency to know I can interpret the concepts within it, has created an empowerment I never thought possible. Now I read for myself and others for right now. Allowing the tarot to read through me and guide me, rather than stick to a paradigm of outdated, textbook knowledge. I feel the ‘anima mundi’ of the tarot.

DO IT. Without hestiation - DO IT. Never could I have imagined the richness of the courses, the vastness of the knowledge, and the doors it opened within me. Everything about the course — Lindsay, Iris, Chase, the community, the workbooks, the glorious video and audio, the lessons — is so mindfully and beautifully curated and delivered, it will absolutely change the way you look at tarot, yourself, the world & beyond.

Charmaine Porter
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018 + 2019


“I finally took the Tarot for the Wild Soul course after learning from Lindsay over the podcast for years. I didn't think it could get any deeper—but it did! The way Lindsay teaches the cards is so gentle yet fierce at the same time, facilitating radical truths while gently holding space for emotions, unknowns, and our personal experiences of the cards.

Lindsay's tarot interpretations are trauma-informed and queer-inclusive, and as a queer and non-binary person with PTSD, that is vitally important to me. Throughout the course, I felt witnessed and affirmed, and that was incredibly healing. The process of taking Tarot for the Wild Soul turned my tarot practice up to 11. I learned to hold space for myself better, listen to my intuition with less fear. I learned to more fully receive the medicine that the tarot has for me, and to give myself the same non-judgmental support and acceptance, encouragement and guidance, that I give to my clients and students. Lindsay's tarot interpretations are resonant things of beauty, but the course has much bigger ripples than just some card meanings. Through it, I actually started to support myself better mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Consider it an investment in your spiritual health. This course will sustain you for years to come.”

Charlie Claire Burgess,
The Word Witch
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


“I can’t say enough good things about the course. I have recommended it to so many people. Lindsay is an incredible teacher. Her teaching style is her signature blend of frankness and compassion. The course is well-organized and beautifully crafted, and I love that it takes a modern approach with regards to gender and trauma. It’s worth every penny. This course will expand you and your tarot practice in ways you can’t imagine.”

Sara Calvarese, The 8th House
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


“This course is a deep initiation into tarot. It is only the beginning of the much longer work of creating your own tarot magic, of trusting your intuition, of channeling your own magic into the world. If you're ready to deeply encounter your own knowing, to think deeply about what the tarot is and how to use it, to commit to your soul path, start your journey here!”

Lex Ritchie, Day’s Eye Tarot
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


Tarot for the Wild Soul was mind and soul expansion beyond my comprehension! Even after reading intuitively for almost a decade, I was floored at how much more there was to uncover. Each year I have taken this course I learn something new and am blown away by Lindsay's amazing detail and beauty she has compacted into eight weeks. But the added cherry on top is the community. I have befriended amazing readers by taking this class and have had the honor to stay in touch and even work with some other intuitives. I cannot recommend this course enough! Sign up and be prepared to hold onto your butts! You will not regret the monetary investment, I promise you! Lindsay offers so many ways to help you join her and you get to come back to the class over and over. It won't just change how you read, it will change you.”

Lisa Tosti, Phoenix Fire Tarot
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018 + 2019


“I took the first class in the fall of 2017, when I was feeling stuck in my work life and heartbroken after a love betrayal. I found myself in a dark place and the class came at the perfect time for me. Diving into the tarot provided a lens of curiosity. As someone with a history of anxiety and depression it allowed me to not get buried within my feelings, but a tool to mine them for value. It was a difficult time for me and the tarot became my way through, I found myself in the archetypes and they found their way into most of my conversations with clients. I was surprised how welcome they were. If you're interested in tarot there is no better class to take. Lindsay makes tarot both timeless and current.”

Samantha Story, MS, L.Ac
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017 + 2018


“Without this course I don’t feel that I would be the same space holder that I am today. I talk to myself differently. I read the cards with more confidence and insight. I’m forever thankful that it came into my life when it did.

Tarot for the Wild Soul gave me the guidance I needed to confidently and ethically hold space for others. It also gave me a more gentle way at looking at some of the more difficult cards in the deck. I don’t fear any of them anymore, I embrace them all as teachers and friends.”

Tiff Monde, A Little Off Balance
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017 + 2019


“I thought I was taking the course to learn deeper definitions for the cards; for the extensive workbooks and expansive spreads; to get closer to Lindsay's perspective on the Tarot; to be in the community of a shared experience; to be challenged and beautifully confronted. All of that is there. What I ultimately learned — which has become the foundation of my Tarot practice — was how to let go of everything that was getting in the way of my own understanding of the Tarot.

The course left me feeling empowered to take my own journey with the Tarot: to listen to what comes through for me as I pull cards and place that in context with the essence of the archetypes.

Tarot for the Wild Soul meets you where you are. It challenges you to expand, to think, to question. You'll meet new friends, meet yourself in new ways, and learn so very deeply about the Tarot.”

Simon Knight
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018 + 2019


“I was a part of the first class and still refer back to my notes from three years ago to help me in readings today.

Lindsay's course gets better with time as I joined the 2019 class as well, and the content was deeper and more connected than I could have imagined. The course not only gives you the cards and what they mean, but also safe practice guides to really tap into your spirit guides as well as those you are reading for.”

Jaylen Quinn
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017 + 2019


“I felt so very held and seen in this course. I go back to the material again and again when I need a refresher. I learned so much more than tarot from it. It helped me to parent myself; to look inward at my inner child. I had felt like an imposter when I first got into tarot. I bought my own deck, I didn't have the card memorized. Tarot for the Wild Soul gave me the permission I needed to practice tarot my way, trusting my own intuition in the process. This course was transformational. I can't recommend it enough! Thank you, Lindsay and team, for such a beautiful offering.”

Haley P.
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019


In the twenty years that I've been playing with the Tarot, I've often felt frustrated by what I found to be prescriptive and dogmatic guidance from teachers and texts. This course introduced me to a way of connecting with the cards that is holistic, inclusive, and resoundingly aligned with my values of autonomy, personal empowerment, and grace. My cards sing to me now, and they've entered in conversation with aspects of my life that I hadn't imagined possible. Best of all, I have the confidence to share deeply and vulnerably with others. My practice is fuller and more joyful for it.

Sarah, Hawthorne Mountain Tarot
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2018


“Lindsay is incredibly generous in every possible definition of the word, and because she gives so much, she is met by a community of wonderful readers who come to the work with the same attitude. The course not only teaches you how to read the Tarot; it gives immense insight into the human experience more generally. I learned how to understand my brain, my body, my intuition, my community. I signed up for the course purely for my own pleasure; I never thought I would end up reading for others but Lindsay’s teachings have empowered me to step forward and help others as I have been helped.”

Kari Erickson, Gemini Rising
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2017–2019


Tarot for the Wild Soul has been invaluable and I reference it often. Yes, it offers definitions for every individual card and gets into how to give and structure readings - topics all newbie and experienced readers alike want to get into. But maybe the most essential and the lessons that have continued to linger were about working intimately with the Tarot to find your own meanings and Lindsay's amazing insights around updating these cards so that they work for us (ALL of us) and how we show up in the modern world today — deconstructing what no longer serves.”

Lauren Holloway, Daisy Chain Tarot
Tarot for the Wild Soul 2019