Intuition as Initiation
Acknowledging and honoring our intuition is an initiation.
There is a reason why it is so intense to do this, and why so many of us struggle to believe that we have intuitive gifts. Between the chatter of the brain, our doubts, the fear of our power, or the refrain, “what if I’m wrong?,” there are many contractive road blocks on the journey to living in alignment with our intuition.
An important question to ask ourselves is: who profits off of my not believing or acknowledging my intuition? Emotional or energetic vampires? My partner? My family? My friends? Does it feel a little safer to live without access to that enormous source of autonomy and power? What brain generated stories continue to run, generated by the story that you aren’t intuitive?
Embracing our intuition initiates us into a life of expansion, evolution and truth.
It is an initiation because it opens our eyes, helps us to trust ourselves and offers us a chance to live in a totally different way, honoring our unique magic. Intuition is inclusive and eclectically expressed. It doesn’t always look like channeling, or talking to Guides. It isn’t always about mediumship. It doesn’t require you to “hear,” or “see.” You do not need a teacher. All you need to do is have the willingness to consider that, under all the mental noise, all the doubt, all the fear, there is a clean, clear, beautiful thread of truth and knowing moving through you, available to you at all times.
What would need to leave your life in order for you to have more joyous access to this beautiful part of yourself? What habits and patterns would have to change? What relationships would have to be gratefully released your life? How would it change you to have access to this knowing?
You are intuitive.
If you are living and breathing, that channel is surely open in you. Can you give yourself even 5 minutes today to look within and see what treasures might be awaiting you? Even a moment of intuitive acknowledgement can change everything.