Dropping In
Dropping In is the process of intentionally connecting with our guides, ancestors, and helping spirits before we pull cards, inviting wisdom and clarity from Source to flow through us and into our Tarot pulls.
Dropping In is a sacred pause, a moment to touch in with ourselves and fully honor all that we are showing up to our decks with, and asking for help and assistance around.
It is a practice that can completely transform our Tarot practice, and it is also one that tends to get skipped or missed the most.
Why does it tend to get skipped or missed?
In short, Drop Ins can feel very confronting. They can bring up all of our stuff about feeling worthy, ready, or "enough," as it pertains to our intuition, spiritual connections, and our Tarot practice. It can invite us into the very painful story that we have to be a certain way before we can connect with our Guides and invite them into our work with the Tarot. While completely valid, that belief is simply not true.
It is not necessary to feel calm and centered in order to engage in a Drop In, or have a solid reading. In fact, it is the perfect practice to lean into when we feel scattered and unsure of what we need. We can be in pain, feel messy or enraged, have no clue what we want or need, and still be a vessel for wisdom to flow through us and our Tarot pulls.
Rather than push away our human stuff, our headaches, cramps, anxiety, or personal feelings about the person we might be reading for (nervousness, worry about getting it "right", etc), Dropping In actually provides the crucial space to honor all that is present, all that we are showing up with, rather than trying to bypass it for the good of the reading. When we engage in a drop in, we create the space to anchor the reading, to center ourselves into what is present.
Some ways that we can play with this when we show up to our decks:
"Spirit/Ancestors/Higher Self, I am so fucking mad I could scream. I feel lost, furious, scared, upset. I don't know what I need, I don't know what would help. I feel like I'm too angry to have a good reading, but I'm willing to consider that might not be the case. I desire to connect with my highest truth, to receive your guidance and wisdom through the cards that are meant to come forward for me today. I desire to honor my anger as sacred and righteous, rather than something that blocks me from my spiritual center. What would you have me know? How can I hold these feelings? What might they want me to know?"
"Universe, naming and honoring that my body pain is so bad today, and I'm feeling so sensitive, triggered, and caught in reactivity about it. Bowing to that, and asking to receive guidance and clarity on whatever is in my highest and best to know today. How can I honor my body? What might they be needing from me?"
"Beloved Dead/Guides/Angels/Higher Self, I'm so nervous to read for this person, honoring those feelings and bowing to them with a compassionate heart. May this reading be in highest and best for us both, may I be an open, loving vessel for anything that this person most needs to receive today."
Dropping in can bring us into a beautiful connective space with the Tarot that goes beyond our assumptions, perceptions, egos, and limitations.
It allows us to travel further and deeper with ourselves and our clients than we ever imagined. Dropping in is a place where we can directly ask that the reading be in alignment with our highest and best, and the client's highest and best. It positions us, as readers, to be humble vessels for divine intelligence, rather than feeling like we personally have to have every answer, or pull wisdom from our own energetic reserves.